A lot of people are focused on the courts generally, and on my court in particular,” Justice Elena Kagan said.
The Tennessee Supreme Court set execution dates for Oscar Smith, Byron Black, Donald Middlebrooks and Harold Nichols.
Los Angeles Superior Court system is among those named in a petition as having not done enough to address the court reporter ...
The disastrous consequences of the Supreme Court’s immunity decision in Trump v. United States may only just now be fully ...
The contest that will decide the political tilt of the swing state’s highest court is likely to be the most expensive state ...
Marlean Ames has alleged she was wrongly passed over for promotion in favor of a lesbian and then demoted in favor of a gay ...
The request is the culmination of multiple unsuccessful attempts to convince Southwest Judicial District Judge James Gion ...
Former Cincinnati City Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld has 90 days from Feb. 11 to formally ask the Supreme Court to take the case ...