Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Panantza is considered a strategic mining project by the Ecuadoran State as it is one of the largest copper initiatives in ...
Required investment in a stadium expansion in San Antonio city increased to US$22mn.
Gas transporter TGS last year proposed the project under the hydrocarbons law and the private initiative model.
Financing via the Climate Fund and Sanitation Line consolidates the resumption of support for Urban Solid Waste operations, allowing the expansion of ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The project includes the extension of the Mardones dock and the execution of complementary works to increase the port's operational capacity. The ...
El año pasado finalizaron 131 proyectos, incluido el mantenimiento de 16.137 km de carreteras y caminos secundarios.
San Carlos-Panantza es considerado un proyecto minero estratégico por el Estado por ser una de las iniciativas de cobre más ...
Análisis, reportajes, noticias y entrevistas sobre tu industria en inglés, español y portugués.
Financiamento via Fundo Clima e Linha Saneamento consolida a retomada do apoio às operações de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, permitindo a expansão da capacidade ...
El financiamiento vía Fondo Climático y Línea de Saneamiento consolida la reanudación del apoyo a las operaciones de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos, permitiendo ...