Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium will offer expanded hours for its visitors to coincide with spring break later this month. The ...
I've been gaga for beluga whales ever since I was a little kid (along with probably every other 80s/90s kid who grew up ...
The name is also a nod to whale’s father and the high-pitched songs that have led these mammals to be dubbed the “canaries of ...
Every year as part of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, thousands of onlookers clad in green cheer on a boat crew sprinkling orange powder into the Chicago River to turn it a festive shade.
The union filed a charge with the National Labor Relations Board saying the aquarium's management violated federal labor law.
Opus was the top vote-getter in a virtual poll the aquarium ran exclusively for Shedd members. The baby beluga boy was born ...
Ahead of dyeing the river green for St. Patrick’s Day, we look back at what has made the river healthy again since its ...
Early in her career, the new CEO worked in Seattle. "At the time it felt like a place I was meant to be. I am thrilled to be ...
The calf, Opus, was born to beluga whale Naya in July. The name means a musical composition or set of compositions usually ...
Opus. It’s a musical term — meaning a set of compositions — that honors his father Beethoven and nods to the high-pitched songs that have led to these ...