After reuniting with his good buddy Aaron Rodgers in 2024, Davante Adams may depart with his two-time teammate, as the New York Jets are cutting both loose this offseason. And, it's possible a Super Bowl contender could come calling for Adams' services.
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Aaron Rodgers is now one of several veteran options the New York Giants are interested in acquiring, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported Friday. The Rams and Alaric Jackson have agreed to terms on a three-year, $57 million contract that will keep ...
Aaron Rodgers isn't the only big name the New York Jets' new brass will move on from in 2025. Gang Green plans to release receiver Davante Adams if they can't find a trade suitor, per NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport.
What ended up going down was the news of Rodgers leaving surfacing over Super Bowl weekend. According to NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero, the Jets did not intend for that to happen.