How might teachers of psychology respond to allegations that their subject undermines conservative values? David Myers has ...
Many psychological scientists are now calling for a “heterogeneity revolution,” focused on uncovering individual and ...
APS and Sage announce the launch of Advances in Psychological Science Open, a fully open access journal that will publish high-quality empirical, technical, theoretical, and review articles, across ...
The researchers anticipated that participants with high levels of negative emotionality or neuroticism would have higher ...
Janet Taylor Spence recipient Mark Thornton, an assistant professor at Dartmouth College and director of the Social ...
Scientific research may not have evidence of the sacred, but there is a large body of work that shows the positive effects of ...
Researchers break apart monoliths to find out why bisexual people are more burdened by mental health challenges than gay or lesbian people.
When my son was three years old, he told me one day after preschool that he didn’t want to play with me because I was Black. He went on; Black people are mean, he said, ...
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Psychologists define meaning as the feeling that one’s life is significant, coherent, and purposeful, says Constantine Sedikides, a psychologist at the University of Southampton, in the U.K. And many ...
Humans are pretty good at guessing whether a towering stack of dishes in the sink will topple over or where a pool ball will go when a cue hits it. We evolved this kind of ...
CBT is the gold standard therapy for treating depression and anxiety, one or both of which will afflict around 20 percent of people during their lifetime. It may be the best remedy we have, a ...