Convolvulus scammonia, commonly known as scammony, [1] is a bindweed native to the countries of the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin; it grows in bushy waste places, from Syria in the south to ...
It is endemic to California, where it can be found in coastal and inland hills and mountains, often in oak woodland and pine forest habitat. Hieracium argutum is a perennial herb producing a mostly ...
This repository provides Python code that identifies plants, birds, and insects in photos. This project was inspired by the amazing progress in identifying plants, animals and mushrooms in photos that ...
$642,000 (with J.Pitterman, University of California, Santa Cruz). NSF Award Number: 1656801 2013: Novel lessons from ancient plants: water transport in the earliest tracheophytes. $380,000 (with J.
Lignin first appeared in tracheophytes and has been hypothesized to have played pivotal roles in land plant colonization. In this review, we summarize recent progress in defining the lignin ...
We aim to explain the evolutionary emergence of key bodyplans. This includes those of animals, bryophytes, tracheophytes, and the seed plants. We continue to explore approaches to understanding the ...
In new research published in the journal Discover Food, Dr. Asaf Tzachor, Founder and Academic Director of the Aviram Sustainability and Climate Program at Reichman University, along with a team ...